Forward Ever: Resistance is Not Enough
I am proud to be a signer of the Pledge to Fight for Good Jobs, Sustainable Prosperity and Economic Justice.I am proud to be a signer of the pledge to fight for “Good Jobs, Sustainable Prosperity and Economic Justice.” Fighting forward and not just fighting back is critical if we want to build an economy and a nation that truly enables the “pursuit of happiness.” Our current economy is grossly distorted and stock market gains as a marker is no more credible now than in the age of the 19th century robber barons.
These 11 points are not meant to define the progressive agenda-racial, social and environmental justice work that goes far beyond this pledge are all essential. At the same time, without increasing vision and detail about an economy that would be transformative for Black, Brown and White working class families, we will never build the movement of 50 million that we need to achieve justice on any front.
The Democratic Party platform of 2016 was a start but Trump’s election moved us to righteous defense; but defense alone will not sustain a movement or create a new direction. We must do both and in doing both we will be stronger and have a message we can carry everywhere.
This pledge is not just about the 2018 election. We will need to go much deeper than that, as we organize politically, organize around issues, and find candidates at all levels of government that will build our movement and not just their own candidacy.
Our Revolution now counts more than 500 local groups trying to drive a deeper political agenda that combines party building and transformation, issue work and electoral success at every level. We do that with organizational modesty, looking for allies on all 3 sides of that strategic triangle. The 70 signers of this pledge, and the organizations that they are building, are the best imaginable allies.
I look forward to working with Campaign for America’s Future and the signers of this pledge to following up this launch with sustained political education and organizing as we build a movement that will change our nation!
Larry Cohen
Board Chair, Our Revolution
Past President Communications Workers of America